Power Flowers - Toronto Florist - Home
138 Simcoe Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3G4
(Richmond Street West and University Avenue)

(416) 591-5357 (B)

Hours of Operation:

Pivotal (PF-3636)

Price: plus sales taxes and delivery (if applicable)

Popularity Rating:

Flowers Included: Roses, gerbera, pompoms and monkey grass

Colours: Red, orange, yellow, and green

Category: Special Events > Thank You

Size: Medium

Date Initially Created: August 7, 2010

Florist/Designer: Power Flowers, Toronto, Ontario

Description: Pivotal is a sparky flower arrangement that can be delivered to celebrate any event or occasion on the calendar. It can also be sent to a patient at a hospital or someone who is recovering from an illness at home. Pivotal is a radiant flower arrangement that can put a smile on someone's face or give someone a shot of energy. This arrangement is considered as one of our favourites. Order Pivotal for delivery or pick-up.

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Roses, gerbera, pompoms and monkey grass
Toronto Wedding Florist