Power Flowers - Toronto Florist - Home
138 Simcoe Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3G4
(Richmond Street West and University Avenue)

(416) 591-5357 (B)

Hours of Operation:

Pizzazz (PF-4766)

Price: plus sales taxes and delivery (if applicable)

Popularity Rating:

Flowers Included: Cymbidium orchids, roses, pompoms, seed eucalyptus, lilies, hypericum, and monkey grass

Colours: Red, yellow, white, and green

Category: Get Well Soon

Size: Medium

Date Initially Created: October 24, 2007

Florist/Designer: Power Flowers, Toronto, Ontario

Description: Pizzazz is a flower arrangement that has traditionally been sent to patients in hospitals or to anyone who is in the process of recovery. It features a nice combination of fall-coloured flowers. Pizzazz was arbitrarily placed in the Get Well Soon category, but in fact, this arrangement can be delivered for birthdays, anniversaries, or other significant dates on the calendar. How about this one!

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Cymbidium orchids, roses, pompoms, seed eucalyptus, lilies, hypericum, and monkey grass
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